How to Stay Active and Healthy When Working as a Hairdresser:

hair dresser a healthy lifestyle

Preface Hairdressing can be a physically demanding profession that requires long hours of standing, bending, and moving around stay active and healthy working. As a result, it can be grueling to maintain a healthy life while working in the beauty assiduity. Still, staying active and healthy is essential for precluding collapse, reducing stress, and maintaining … Read more

From the Salon to the Gym: A Day in the Life of a Fitness-Focused Hairdresser

From the Salon to the Gym: A Day in the Life of a Fitness-Focused Hairdresser

Preface still, you know the struggle of trying to balance work with fitness concentrated hairstylist exercise, If you ’re a hairstylist with a passion for fitness. Long hours on your bases and busy schedules can make it delicate to find time for exercises and healthy eating. But with some planning and fidelity, it’s possible to … Read more

The Fit Hairdresser: Balancing a Career in Hairdressing with a Passion for Fitness:

The Fit Hairdresser: Balancing a Career in Hairdressing with a Passion for Fitness:

Preface Meet the Fit hairstylist, a professional hair hairstylist who’s passionate about fitness and leading a healthy life. While hairdressing is her career, fitness has always been her passion. For her, fitness provides the energy and provocation to excel in her profession, while also serving as a source of stress relief and internal clarity. Still, … Read more