Living a Life of Gratitude: How Cultivating a Grateful Heart Can Bring Joy and Happiness:
Cultivating Gratitude in Daily Life: “I blessed by” I a blessed by Aortic Stenosis, Bossage, Gratitude, Hairdresser, Laryngomalacia, Motherhood, Stridor I had the best experience going on vacation with my husband and had some time to really catch up on my thoughts and talk the future with my husband. For one, I haven’t had time to really blog as much much as I’d like. Between my new role as a Girl Scout Leader heart and juggling both of my businesses, there hasn’t been time for much. On top of that, being a mom and wife is a full time job of its own. “So incredibly blessed am I. I’ve realized that heart I just need to write. I need to write my out and share the good, bad, and the ugly. For one: I do a lot . Why? I don’t know. I’m such an over-achiever , I know. I like to consider myself extremely self driven and motivated to chase after what I want. I love doing it all. Everything I do , I do with love and I lead with my . I try to not stress too much about the month or weeks ahead. Our trip to Cancun was amazing. It meant everything to bring my husband to this trip. For one, we deserve our time together. My marriage is a priority. I do not want time to pass and wonder why my marriage fell apart. I want to live in the moment with my husband and have him enjoy the fruits of my labor too. He is my number one. None of anything I do would run smoothly if it weren’t for his support. I seriously hit the jackpot with him . Why I work tail off was really helped heart seen by him on this trip. The hubby and I had a blast. I work hard. I work really hard to work on myself and help others. This was my first all – expense paid trip earned for just doing what I love by helping others get started on their health and fitness journey! It was amazing! The company I work with really spoiled the heck out of us . You see, our lives are changing. Our kids are growing, we are growing, and being able to experience time and financial freedom is a huge priority to me . My mom was diagnosed with cancer: It had nothing to do with me. I’m an only child. She IS my person . That NICU ride was a roller coaster followed by visits with specialists and restless nights. My world changed. All I wanted was to feel good and have an outlet aside from this new relationship I was trying to have with the Lord. Work became just work . My thyroid was out of wick. I was a mess. I was tired all the time and at one point I decided to draw the line in the sand. No more. After experiencing my postpartum depression heart , I realized that I was in charge and I needed to do something. I’ve learned that God only puts things in our lives that he knows we can handle. Sometimes we don’t know why. I feel my lesson to this day was to learn to have faith, let go, and let God do his work .I am a control freak. Learning that I am not in control has living heart done wonders for me. That’s sad right? I do not practice any type of religion yet I’m super spiritual in many ways. God sent me my babies to make me a better person. Elijah was a prophet in the bible who was sent to people to help them believe in God. Wow. Not a coincidence at all right ? I struggled physically being stuck in the yo- yo diet cycle: Along the way I’ve learned that we all go through trials where we use substances to cope with life without not even realizing it . I struggled financially as my husband and I had some unexpected living heart struggles on top of co pays and medical visits. Emotionally, I was a hot mess. The worst part was realizing that I was taking it out on the closest ones I love by lashing out on them and shutting down . I’ve learned that I matter. It is not selfish to learn to love yourself and treat yourself well. Our sanity and mindset mean everything. Becoming a coach has helped me stay accountable in many ways. I have been able to improve our marriage, communicate and understand my husband better, work on my mindset, teach my family healthier habits ,living heart and meet some incredible people. You should never feel guilty for chasing that one thing that sets your soul on fire. It is my platform to meet other people and offer them a solution . Through my journey as a mom with thyroid living heart nodules and a goiter at only 31, I’ve learned that I should never take my health and mindset for granted. Life is beautiful . Its about quality. If you don’t feel good, it shows. I want to have energy for my kids. Not just that, I want to teach them these incredible and sustainable habits that they can grow up with.