This Stage of Life: Navigating the Challenges and Embracing the Joys of Your Current Season:
This Stage Of Life This stage of life. It’s hard, you guys. I’m talking right now to you moms who are around my age …. late 20’s to mid 30’s. You have kids. Likely two or three . Being a mom is the hardest job ever . Add in a child with sensory needs and a speech delay- some days are REALLY hard stage life. In this stage of life, you are bombarded daily with a whole lot of decisions. Some of them life-changing, some of them not. None of them with clear cut answers. Do I vaccinate my kids? Charter school? Private ? Is this special needs system even good? Is this what’s best for him/her! ? You don’t know the answers to ANYTHING, but you feel constant pressure to figure out EVERYTHING. It’s a stage where you’ve got to put in the time and the effort and the work and the energy to make sure your OWN marriage stays healthy. And that’s good, but it’s hard, too. It’s a stage where your hormones are all out of whack. You even question whether you’re bipolar . You look at yourself and you’re like wow. I definitely look different I love my battle wounds. Shall you decide to have one more ? You realize time is ticking and time goes fast stage life. Constantly. You are overloaded with questions. Your children never stop asking them. There is so much to do. It never ends. You are overloaded with worry. You are overloaded with THINGS. Your kids have way too many toys. It’s hard. So….what do you need to do to survive it all? Sit outside with your husband, drink a glass of wine, and have a conversation when the kids are down. You need more girlfriend time : You need your mom or Dad. have been there and done that. Who can reassure you that you AREN’T screwing it all up as badly as you think you are yet won’t judge u and tell you their way is best and act like they know it all. You need to not feel bad about doing the things that make you happy stage life. You need to lower your expectations….then probably lower them again. But deep down your raising your bar ! You need to simplify. Simplify every single part of your life, as much as it can be simplified. Get rid of the negative and focus on positive . You need to learn how to say “no”. You need to practice grace . Girl, you need to pray: Finally, and maybe most importantly, you need to remember that….. ….this stage of life is beautiful, too. Like, really really beautiful. This is the stage of life where every single older person you ever meet tells you, “you’re going to miss this”. And you already know it’s true. We’re not dealing with problems like broken hearts or addiction or bullying yet. It’s the stage where you are learning to love your spouse in an entirely different….harder…..better…. way. The stage where you are learning together, being stretched together, shedding your selfishness together, and TRULY being made into “one”. It’s the stage where you get to see Christmas, Halloween through your kids eyes, and it’s so much more fun and magical than it would be just through your own eyes. It’s the stage of life filled with field trips, class parties, costumes, swim lessons, bubble baths, dance parties, and loose teeth. And those things are so fun. It’s the stage where you are young enough to have fun, and old enough to have obtained at least SOME wisdom. It’s SUCH a great stage. But, man it’s hard. Read More Share: